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i have read the following from BK magazine in Thailand and thought it would really great to have it posted here. the lettter-sender, Kai, argues (well, we all gays do, as a matter of fact) that:
- we don't listen to "I Will Survive" everyday. it isn't mandatory to put "Can't Take My Eyes of You" nightly in every gay town. Kylie and Madonna are fine, but we are also all ears for good alternative choices of music as much as str8 people.
- don't judge us and accuse us of "overdressing" just because we hate to wear jeans in fancy places.
- it is known all over the world that we have a great sense of humor and slapstick jokes are not really our cup of tea. so please stop those movies with "lunatic characters that happen to be gay," please.
- we do have normal sized t-shirts, we just make them look so good.
- not all of us like animal patterns, unless it makes a return.
well, time and time again, let us all say: "STRAIGHT PEOPLE ARE NOT NORMAL, THEY ARE JUST COMMON."
living it up in a decadent environment sometimes make you wonder why and how things spruce up in a tiny little box called 'your home' and realize that you really thrive in it.
and that little box you call 'home' is not really limited to your four-posted bed plus the bathroom and the (sometimes) living room--it IS the whole surroundings that make you feel you're breathing and living in it.
what am i saying?
i don't even know why i am still up this late and turned down my dear friend eisha's invite to go out and have some dry martinis or margaritas somewhere, but i know that something is ready to blurt out of my big head and flat chest.
if only everything in my 'home' can speak up and tell me what they think, feel or sense--loudly--then, maybe this existence in a decadent environment would mean something.
yeah, this would not be a little coincidence. and this is seriously not my first time to think loudly.
but i am loud, and you know that.
i want everything to be loud--in all loudness's sense!