Sunday, May 21, 2006


never have i been so drunk in such a long time!!!

we were in railay island that night and i told my friends that i wanted to get soooooo drunk. after a loooooong dinner, we managed to hop into this bar called "The Bamboo Bar" ( and yeah, everything, except the vials and the glasses, were all made of bamboo) where we had a really looooong night of booze overflowing.

this bartender, who, by the way, owns the place and served as bartender in Dusit Laguna in Phuket, made my drinks so damn good i can't resist taking one after the other. that Similian Sour he fixed me was way way way better than any drink that i have ever gulped in my entire gay life.

whew! i could even smell my own breath after i throw each one out of my chest because it really was overpowering!

after five or six Similians (i can count after six), we tried to look for another place to crash in. beachcombing Caucasians and delicious Singaporean guys were marching to the far end of the island to a party at "The Last Bar". we were enticed, of course, considering those Singaporean Nude-dels were so oooommmp, mouth-watering...

but the party's dead. and the place, nevermind.

we went back to the Bamboo and saw that this bartender was having his 8th beer for the night. yeah, he told me, he's working and drinking at the same time. what a role model!

he made me taste his latest fix--Smash! this Smash! has everything in it (name any alcohol that you know) and papaya juice... and man, it was orgasmic!

i ordered for one--and he gave me a really big jug-sized glass to indulge in. i looooooved it to the last drop. and there was i, dancing, mimicking, climbing a coconut tree and mistaking a monkey for a dog---all because i was drunk (or so i think).

and i ordered for another one.

but, lookie lookie around--those two guys lounging behind us were cuties. my guy friend told me to give them a drink so to start a conversation. and so, our friendly bartender fixed them something and the guys went straight beside me.

OMG! these 23-year-old Germans were soooooooooooooooo HOT! Pierre and Marcus were their names. beside me was Pierre, who can speak good English and he's the one i was gluing my eyes on.

we talked for a while and enjoyed a short company. because, because, this biatch friend of yours was way way way drunk on the drunkyard that he couldn't control myself anymore.

i went back to our hotel to... you know... in the police out of my stomach.

sayang, sayang---those guys were so damn HOT.

but i can't imagine myself being with them with my... drunkenness thingie drifting on the bed.

what a shame!


i have always been fascinated with the patterns in nature. those patterns that you see as magical transformations of what they are really made of.

well, that picture above may not be a typical example of a fractal as you may see. but nature has made a great deal of artistry and worksmanship to show that there is indeed a truly efficient and untiring hand that moulds everything from a drawing plan to execution.

i just love taking pictures of how Muder Nature depicts her assets. and yeah, since i cannot create a thing of my own (as i am just a demi-god, hahahaha), i can content myself to just seeing things through my beautiful eyes and my cunning lens.

Friday, May 19, 2006

conde nast traveller

and what would you say if i told you that this picture is meant to be published in the world's most famous travel magazine--conde nast traveller?

and what could i be possibly be thinking blurting it out?

my brain is probably grinning out till it reaches my outer temples...

or i could possibly be levitating out of sheer happiness...

and what could you be thinking when you hear my big mouth telling this almost improbable truth?


i bet my 2 cents, that's what your filthy grey matter is playing at right now.

would i refute?

of course not!

to see is to believe, y'all.

well, what have i got here? lemme-see... a great backdrop, nice lighting, uber-exotic location, and of course, the sillier-than-thou-but-very-candid frontispiece--that is--me and eisha, who else!


bet on that!


i love the sky, i love the sunset, i love the sea, i love it when i am feeling free!

and there's a rhyme!

when chance put the sunset and the sea together, i can't resist grabbing my camera and take this everyday-but-not-always-everyday-this-beautiful event we call sunset.

it takes a great deal of patience and a large sum of luck to see sunsets on their prettiest poses; and this one's not an exception. given the fact that this was taken aboard a boat on an otherwise drizzly day on our way to an island i have never been before--railay (just off phuket).

and yeah, i cannot say this is the best of my shots or a better shot than anybody else's...

but hey, Muder Nature always snaps her finger and say: "I'm hugging your camera now... take a picture of me..."

wouldn't you heed?

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


here you go again, your dirty-as-hanoi-street-filth mind comes up with your nastier-than-moi idea.

sige, ok, sometimes, i come up with these blog titles that are not so-PG-11... you could point that dirty finger on my bulbous nose...


these three people are crazy-as-fucked-ups when they travelled to krabi and railay island (just off phuket) for a one-night gig (read: drinking session) just to get off all the noise simmering and summing up in downtown bangkok.

they travelled by air in the morning, some work in the afternoon, boarded the boat to krabi later in the afternoon, and had food and booze, booze, booze in the evening till teh wee hours of the morning.

whew! talk about a quickie!

but then again... can we just talk about something else? my mind always drifts into something R-18 all the time.

but hey, those two people flanking that chocolate-mongering-gaysha in the picture are straight as a steel rod in a smoky strip bar. and yeah, one of them is a woman!

asian rice galore!

let me tell first tell you that not all of those guys in this picture has the tendency to go down on their knees and ... you know what's next...

one of them is STRAIGHT!

gosh! 75% of this asian mixture (a filipino, a malaysian, 2 thais--well, one of them looks so pakistani, you know) are gay!

as what my friend beth-sie says: "i have come to realize that being gay nowadays is sooooo mainstream. i can't even admire a goodlooking guy within my 0ne-kilometer radar radius who is not gay..."

well... as i used to say, borrowing somebody's uber-real brainchild: "straight people are not normal, they are just common."

come on, y'all, you know it's becoming the other way 'round now...

any comments or suggestions? hit me!

Saturday, May 13, 2006


see what happens when you bake a muscle mary into perfection holding a flattened out biggie-sized martini glass with blue frog in it.


an instant erotica right in the middle of your living room.

now, you can have a free J/O session without the fuss of turning on your DVD player, thus helping save energy and the environment, of course. you do not have to haggle for the price of a mossy porn mag elsewhere to have it done, thus saving liquid from your mouth--for another use, hehehehehe...

now, this is what i say ART in its most USABLE form!

bedtime stories

uyyy, you thought it would be an erotica eh?

i'm sorry to disappoint you, but this is just one of those few monumental events that happen once in your shitty lifetime--to have anyone (or in this case, the camera by and in itself) to take a picture of you when you had just shed off those crystals at the corner of your eyes.


i heard that sound when canon-baby shut its lens!

bring it on!

this is just one of the less than a hundred photos (ok, ok, a hundred is a bit too much... let's say 20-ish, hmp!) that my photog-gurl took while we were strolling down the beach.

a few onlookers on my left. they actually thought we were doing a photo shoot. i'm so sorry, but i can't show the other pictoz...quite professionally done, and i have to respect the privacy of its collection. duh!

this picto was taken just a few minutes before we had that crazy banana boat ride. goshness, i never thought it would be that fun! i have never rode that inflatable banana lookalike before because i always see it as a BOOOOOORING ride and just a complete waste of my time.

but then, it turned out to be a hugely fun time! and that crazy, not-so-sexy and not-so-cool speedboatman did a great trick on the wheels. great maneuvering...

catch your wave (and your glare)

between the sand, the sea and the sun...

there was I...

unbelievably pathetic.

hahaha! notice how my photog-gurl failed to capture my idea of holding the sun in my hands.

but definitely, these first few hours that we spent along the shores of the gayest beach in pattaya--jomtien beach (they actually call it the GAY BEACH, yeah)--were the most fun we had.

i'll tell you more about this one-day-fashion-show trip in the next few blogs.

but of course, those would have to be on top of this entry, you.... whatever!

red is the color of the paparazzi

ok, ok, i know, it's too much of an exposure now--considering i've had lots to post about this ayutthaya trip.

i have long wondered how would it feel to be chased by the paparazzi. not that this picto looks like a paparazzi photo op, but that biatch atop that red background is a real picto-maniacal.

duh! what would raymund isaac think of the stark contrast of the reddened skin (courtesy of the SUN) and that faggotishly screaming red behind him?

staring at the sun

i'm nowhere around the great of china nor the temple of the sun or the dawn--whatever.

i was just too lazy to climb up that stairs to the golden buddha statue up ahead. whew!

the sun was overhead heating my otherwise porcelain skin and voila! i'm all red from the forehead to the knees.

I: take a picture of me!

U: aye, and an ugly one i'll take!

dragon ball z

wala lang, i just want to share this really artsy-winky dragons on top of a temple in ayutthaya--the ancient thai capital.


sit like a queen, not like a frog

when i was a kid, i used to sit on that ancient bowl of ours with my feet on the rim.

but then i heard my trusted catechism teacher tell a classmate of mine to treat your fecal depository as your lovely throne, hence, 'sit like a king, not like a frog'.

of course, i'm a QUEEN!


i admire hindu and buddhist art.

i cannot say anything of it more than art --it is crafted out of man's genius and creativity--drawing inspiration from their religion, faith, beliefs...

so i call it art.

how i wonder if i'm going to have hands like Shiva. i'm a restless and relentless person--likes to have my hands and my brain full of activity. well, yes, sometimes i get too damn lazy to get up and do something. but on my relatively 'normal' days, i'm both of those.

hands, hands, hands--i wonder how many shopping bags they can handle. and yes, of course, i wonder how much money will i have to save for that really special shopping day!

against the current

well this could be more than what i have in mind... or maybe less...

sometimes, i feel like i was thrown out in the open waters and let go to 'fish' and live on my own. independence, you might blurt out. too much of it may drown you and too little too much may suffocate you bothways.

either way, it is not healthy.

i don't know how sharks survive chasing other fish in the ocean, sometimes swimming against the current just to satisfy that omega-3 craving. but one thing we can learn from them--there might be a big ocean out there where we 'really' live, but everything that we do 'in' that BIG ocean will be limited if we do not follow our 'drive', our hunger.

what's for dinner 5 years from now, baby?

the emperor's journey meets the memoirs of a GAYsha

need i say more?

i just enjoyed a full-day of stress-free Monday during a recent holiday here in Bangkok. I haven't seen the Ocean World in Singapore and Hongkong yet, but I promise that this one in Bangkok is a treat for those people like moi who dreams to become Ariel one day.


but the real treat though are those really sexy yummy sushis--my friend yogaboy's term for HOT jap guys--and kinky kimchis--for SIZZLING korean guys, not to mention those WOWOWOW singaporean nude-dels... WHOAH!

a treat for the GAYsha of all!

but what do these cold penguins have to say? naddah!


this is not a misnomer of THAT christina aguilera mulan song.

this is a really cool al fresco bar in the outskirts of bangkok. there's a small pool in the middle of everyone and every table that looks like a big spa tub with lots of flowers and candles in it... with a really BIG rubber duckie!

but it is not the bar i would like to advertise.

friends, muscle marys and kingkong barbies... this is me now... notice that face. aminin! the scars do not show that much anymore. hayyyy... bangkok is a real treat-for-shop for my otherwise devastated and zit-ridden face from months ago.

hmp! vengeance is mine!

with me in this picto are my friends eisha and ryan. mizz yah both! i'm all alone again...

walking away and into

so surreal.

it looks like i'm walking away from it and going into it at the same time. would that be possible to do directly opposing things at the same time?

the picture may give you a surreal/real answer.

this is our newest factory located in ayutthaya, thailand where i figuratively and literally work 'alone'. it is just too uncommon for a 26-year-old like me to be here.

nah, i just miss home.


this is such a waste of time if i'm going to make this thingy-majigy long enough to let you know how flesh-severing and mind-ripping being-alone-in-another-country-on-a-holiday was.

it's that time of the year here in thailand where revelers, semi-revelers, sidewalk-joiners,vengeful-joiners and event-hungry tourists involve (well maybe this is a euphemism/understatement) themselves in the water festival aka songkhran. people put a lime-with-water-and-a-bit-of-fragrance-or-powder-with-water whatever onto other people's face and splash you up with that cold, cold water with their cold,cold heart.

do not waste your time nagging at them when some fun-loving adolescents and, well, droolable hunks (ooolalalah!!!) target your face for a quick cheek rub. songkhran was supposed to be fun! and, yes, maybe, you can't have all the fun being all through with this, but you'll soon find fun before it ends. after all, this went on for three days (as was in the previous days) and only us know how fun it was!

well, yeah, it was very disappointing to note that while all your friends back home were straining their backbones for a well-deserved break through endless roadtrips and torturing their vocal chords through those numb microphones who happened to silo in each drop of saliva (jokie-jokie!), there was I, in the middle of the street, coping up with the heat of bangkok streets with cold, cold string-splashes of water and a quick facial! it was good, though, that I met a new friend, who was alone, too, for the duration of the week.

anyways-and-whichelz, i had my share. it may not be planetisimal in proportions, quite isolating as it felt, you may call it, but hey, songkhran was a good break in a real-blood-boiling temperature in the city.

but, but, but, never will it compensate for what I have missed if I happened to be in the Philippines. To enumerate them is la tortura, but i will do it anyway:

1) my tatay's 55th birthday

2) my brother's college graduation (which brought me teary-eyed kuni-kuni, apart from remembering missing my sister's 18th birthday last december)

3) my friends' free-from-all-the-worries cookout-whatever and roadtrip-wherever, to sub-enumerate:

a) visita iglesia

b) hangouts at ortega mansion

c) lunch at ramirez mansion at villa ramirez (you may think its theirs, i permit you)

d) beachyness at leo's resort-house (this is one big euphemism!)

e) tagaytay roadtrip/coffee-addictiveness-solution

f) rose's birthday bash

g) dinner somewhere in the reclaimed area of manila bay

h) among others, which i was spared the information for thought of unidentifyingly flying myself via Icarus' wings back to manila

4) and of course, the feeling of being-with-everyone-i-love-during-the-boringest-yet-most-worthwhile-time-of-the-year-in-the-philippines-if-you-do-not-have-anywhere-to-vacay-to
i had fun, i had fun, i had fun... here in bangkok.

that's what i keep on telling myself till now...