Saturday, May 13, 2006


this is such a waste of time if i'm going to make this thingy-majigy long enough to let you know how flesh-severing and mind-ripping being-alone-in-another-country-on-a-holiday was.

it's that time of the year here in thailand where revelers, semi-revelers, sidewalk-joiners,vengeful-joiners and event-hungry tourists involve (well maybe this is a euphemism/understatement) themselves in the water festival aka songkhran. people put a lime-with-water-and-a-bit-of-fragrance-or-powder-with-water whatever onto other people's face and splash you up with that cold, cold water with their cold,cold heart.

do not waste your time nagging at them when some fun-loving adolescents and, well, droolable hunks (ooolalalah!!!) target your face for a quick cheek rub. songkhran was supposed to be fun! and, yes, maybe, you can't have all the fun being all through with this, but you'll soon find fun before it ends. after all, this went on for three days (as was in the previous days) and only us know how fun it was!

well, yeah, it was very disappointing to note that while all your friends back home were straining their backbones for a well-deserved break through endless roadtrips and torturing their vocal chords through those numb microphones who happened to silo in each drop of saliva (jokie-jokie!), there was I, in the middle of the street, coping up with the heat of bangkok streets with cold, cold string-splashes of water and a quick facial! it was good, though, that I met a new friend, who was alone, too, for the duration of the week.

anyways-and-whichelz, i had my share. it may not be planetisimal in proportions, quite isolating as it felt, you may call it, but hey, songkhran was a good break in a real-blood-boiling temperature in the city.

but, but, but, never will it compensate for what I have missed if I happened to be in the Philippines. To enumerate them is la tortura, but i will do it anyway:

1) my tatay's 55th birthday

2) my brother's college graduation (which brought me teary-eyed kuni-kuni, apart from remembering missing my sister's 18th birthday last december)

3) my friends' free-from-all-the-worries cookout-whatever and roadtrip-wherever, to sub-enumerate:

a) visita iglesia

b) hangouts at ortega mansion

c) lunch at ramirez mansion at villa ramirez (you may think its theirs, i permit you)

d) beachyness at leo's resort-house (this is one big euphemism!)

e) tagaytay roadtrip/coffee-addictiveness-solution

f) rose's birthday bash

g) dinner somewhere in the reclaimed area of manila bay

h) among others, which i was spared the information for thought of unidentifyingly flying myself via Icarus' wings back to manila

4) and of course, the feeling of being-with-everyone-i-love-during-the-boringest-yet-most-worthwhile-time-of-the-year-in-the-philippines-if-you-do-not-have-anywhere-to-vacay-to
i had fun, i had fun, i had fun... here in bangkok.

that's what i keep on telling myself till now...



At Sunday, June 11, 2006 8:38:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!


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