Thursday, August 03, 2006


let's start with the title.

first, i rarely write in an all-caps manner. proof that this blog is of a different tone.

second, BESTEST, ha! talk about uber-redundancy. but hey, the birthday girl and this writing gurl have been using this schword for the longest time now (let's exaggerate a bit there, girl).

next, FRIEND, who does not have a friend? let us spell it out:

F - fun to be with (not just much, but loads and loads and loads of it)

R - reality she bites (keeps me sane, on-the-ground, and me all the same)

I - identifies you with a sniff from 5 miles away (well, you get the picture, aye?)

E - entrances, exits, windows, all the holes (whatever that means) of my personality, she knows

N - no lows, no highs, or in-betweens (just always beside you, no matter what)

D - distance is not a big deal (try 3,000 miles and 2 time zones with 2 hours of chitty-chat!)

our birthday girl celebrates her 18th-birthday-with-10-years-of-experience-of-being-that-young (which makes 28, of course, what a euphemism eh!).

she is my bestest-friend-girl.

she is your taklesa-of-epic-but-lovely-proportions girl.

she is mama soledad's youngest girl.

she is barkadang E!'s IT-girl.

she is papa john's all-my-love-girl.

she is everybody's girl.

well, maybe, Jasmin is a girl no more. now, we've got a name here.

so, Jasmin is the girl of the day!

then, let us see how Jasmin exactly fits into that Bestest Friend category.

well, being together for more than 20 years now (yes, with some moments of being not-together really), would not really be the biggest deal of being the Bestest Friend, but i guess that counts.

she would not normally heed my pleadings of this and that, and would not hear my rants (most of the raves, yeah), because, admit it or not, she only likes me to be positive about things.

and that is the best thing (as of the moment) that she had shared me. having a positive outlook about things--career, family, love, friendship, and shopping--hurdles everything before you even start sweeping the problem off, whatever that problem may be.

to you, girl, Jasmin, my bestest friend, another year is another feather on our caps, another start of a GREATER (note the emphasis there, mare) year ahead.

looking back is a sweet option (learning, reminiscing, noting each detail of the years past, among others), but looking ahead is THE call we have to hear, listen to and heed. it is not just another note on a post-it on your computer screen for things to do, it is a start of a brand new day--a year indeed.



finally, you're a year ahead na naman...

i love you much! mwah!


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